Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jefferson Doors ????

We have recently turned our minds to the dreadful brown vinyl windows with matching brown security bars that someone saw fit to install on ALL of our windows!   We also turned our attention to the wooden panels under our front windows which appeared to have hinges on the sides. After several hours of stripping we uncovered hinges on either sides of two panels which appear to swing inward (you can see the stripped results above). The wood looks pretty original and we resisted the temptation to pull out all of the caulk and nails and actually open them (for now). Instead we decided to call a restoration expert for some advice. He is coming out this week to give us some advice on how to proceed, but he did tell us that they are called "Jefferson Doors" and probably would have lead out to a front porch. We had been told that the house originally had a front porch so that makes sense.

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